Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a question about dog bite prevention? Dog Bite Safety, LLC has the answer! Check out these frequently asked questions, then give us a call today for more information.
What does your program cost?
We offer different types of training, including our video classes, which are very affordable, and in-person training, where costs are dependent on several factors, such as class size, tailoring to specific organizations or groups, time and other variables.
We’d be happy to discuss pricing based on your needs. Call us at 405-410-8231 or fill out this form to get started.
What is Canine Assault Prevention or Occupational Dog-Bite Safety?
Canine Assault Prevention® (C.A.P.) is the patented name of our dog-bite safety program. What separates us from others in the industry is that our dog-bite safety training focuses first on prevention, eliminating dangerous encounters before they occur, and then teaching what to do should one become unavoidable.
Why does my company or organization need your training?
Dog bites are the 5th most frequent cause of Emergency Room visits, which underscores the fact that anyone can be at risk of a dog bite. That risk is greatly increased for certain fields of employment, including veterinary staff, field workers, utility workers and anyone who works outside.
Our trainings are designed to help protect everyone from dog bites, focusing first on avoidance and prevention. We then tailor both our video classes and in-person trainings to specific fields so that those most at risk get the knowledge and protection they need.
What does a person use to defend themselves against a dog?
The first, best line of defense against dog bites is a deep love and respect for dogs, where they come from, their innate traits and that they can naturally become aggressive when provoked by either internal or external forces. That is the foundation of our training, upon which we build from 35 years of experience.
Is there one breed of dog worse than another?
Put simply, no. Any dog, of any breed or size, can be provoked and become aggressive or even dangerous. Therefore, our training applies to all breeds and sizes.